As the pandemic is that a knockout post about Strategic Alliances and Virtual Data Room Integration is wreaking havoc on businesses and people it’s likely that board meetings are becoming virtual. Board members cannot avoid this choice however, they can use it to improve their governance practices.

With a few strategies, it is possible for non-profit boards and leadership teams to hold just as successful meetings remotely as they do in person. Virtual meetings allow the use of tools like eSignatures and surveys, which help speed up the process of making decisions. These capabilities, combined with the latest board management tools allow boards to be productive while offering valuable insights.

The best virtual meeting platform is crucial for a strong communication. Choose a platform that’s vetted by IT teams and offers security for sensitive documents. OneBoard is SOC2 certified, and protected by two factor authentication. This allows leaders to securely share documents such as remote work policies and Business Continuity plans, and keep the most recent meeting minutes in the director’s or the CEO.

It is also important to use the right tone when communicating with others via technology. While it’s essential for people to communicate effectively in remote settings, using the wrong tone can lead to confusion, anger, and even resentment. Encourage everyone to use a tone of speech that is calm and straightforward. Avoid dry humor and sarcasm in these situations. It can create a negative impression and lower morale of the team.

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