The minutes of a board meeting serve as an official record of the proceedings of the board meeting. They are legal records of the discussions and decisions taken, they increase the trust of stakeholders and are a source of support for corporate governance goals and ESG and help to hold directors accountable.

The most important thing in board meeting minutes are accurate notes. Board meetings are often contentious but the minutes must remain impartial regardless of the opinions being expressed. To safeguard the board from legal liability, it’s essential to keep the minutes as objective as is possible.

While you should strive for consistency in format and the language used from meeting however, it’s also a great idea to utilize a pre-approved board minutes template to speed up the process. This will ensure that all the essential details are included, including the minutes for the opening meeting, the person who called the meeting to order, and when a quorum was present, all motions taken and the manner in which they were decided on or voted on, any points of procedure or appeals, and also when the board met and adjourned.

Include any other documents discussed during the board meeting. This includes the minutes, presentations, and reports. These can be added to the minutes of the board in the form of an appendix, or included at the end as an outline of the content.

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